Page Conventions

Build page tree with file-system based routing


This is a shared convention for organizing your pages, should be followed by all built-in file-system based sources including Contentlayer and Fumadocs MDX.


By default, it uses MDX and supports title and description frontmatter:

title: My Page
description: Best document ever

## Learn More

You may edit the configuration file to add additional properties.


You can use folders to organize multiple pages, the uppercased name of the folder will be used as the display name.

By default, pages are sorted with String.localeCompare{:js}. The index.mdx file is always ordered at the top.


You can also customize the folder name, order of pages, or add a separator by creating a meta.json in the folder.

  "title": "Name of Folder",
  "pages": ["guide", "---Separator---", "components"] // file name of pages

Multiple Page Trees

Adding a root property in meta can mark your folder as a root folder.

  "title": "Name of Folder",
  "root": true

The nearest root folder of current page will be used as the root of page tree.


You can define a separator in meta by adding a item surrounded by ---.

  "title": "Name of Folder",
  "pages": ["---Separator---"]


Tired to specify the order of every single page in meta.json? You can use ... to automatically add and sort remaining items.


Index pages won't be included, you must specify the order of index.

  "title": "Folder",
  "pages": ["guide", "..."]


You can extract the items from a folder with ...folder_name.

  "title": "Folder",
  "pages": ["guide", "...folder"]


It is supported to have custom icons for a page or a folder with the icon property in your frontmatter or meta file.

title: My Page
icon: MyIcon
  "title": "My Folder",
  "icon": "MyIcon"


You can create a page for specific language by adding .{locale} to your MDX file name. Pages can't be language-specific, you must create a page for default locale in order to have its localized version.

It is same for meta files, you have to add .{locale} to the file name like

If it's the default language, just leave it empty like get-started.mdx. Do not use add locale code to file name.

Assume your default language is en.

meta.en.jsonNot Allowed
get-started.en.mdxNot Allowed Allowed

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